Guangzhou Kanton - China

Guangzhou Kanton - China

City Partnerships


Guangzhou city view, Photo: City Guangzhou
Guangzhou city view © Stadt Guangzhou, Photo: n/s

11. April 1988

Guangzhou, also known as Canton, lies on the delta of the Pearl River. For a long time, the city was the only transhipment point for European goods in China. It is the traditional international showcase for the Chinese economy. Like Frankfurt in Europe, Guangzhou remains one of the most important exhibition and trading places in Asia to this day.

Guangzhou was Frankfurt's first bridge to Asia. The link was established in 1988, initially with the emphasis on economic goals, as part of the Chinese opening-up policy. Many school exchange visits have been organised under the city partnership, which is now more than 30 years old. This city friendship is particularly active and also extends to the sharing of knowledge and experience in a wide range of areas such as administration, urban planning, municipal finances, culture and sport.

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