Babymassage in English - FamilienGesundheitsZentrum e.V.

Babymassage in English - FamilienGesundheitsZentrum e.V.

Babymassage in English - FamilienGesundheitsZentrum e.V.

By taking part in this course parents have the opportunity to learn the traditional Indian baby massage during 2 appointments at the weekend. The massage improves the contact between the child and its parents, can help improve colics, sleeping habits and the baby’s general welfare. Since the class takes place at the weekend it is the perfect opportunity for fathers to massage their babies and spend quality time with them. 

Angebotsart: Eltern-Kind-Angebot
Schlagworte: Familie, Eltern, Babykurs, Babymassage, Beratung, Bindung
Sprachen: Englisch
Stadtteile: Nordend, Bornheim
Zielgruppen: Eltern mit Kindern von 0-3
Träger: FamilienGesundheitsZentrum e.V. - Familienbildungsstätte