Marriage registration

Marriage registration

Our service

Marriage registration

You can generally say "I do" at any Registry Office (“Standesamt”) in Germany. The Registry Office at your place of residence (also secondary residence) is responsible for registering the marriage (application).

If neither of you has a residence in Germany, the Registry Office where the marriage shall take place is responsible.

See below for detailed information.

Competent Authority

Residence in Frankfurt am Main

If you live in Frankfurt am Main, you can register your marriage with us:

The Registry Office District Höchst ("Standesamtsbezirk Höchst") registers all marriages for the western districts of Frankfurt am Main:

  • Höchst
  • Griesheim,
  • Nied
  • Schwanheim
  • Sindlingen
  • Sossenheim
  • Unterliederbach
  • Zeilsheim
  • Goldstein

Registry Office District Höchst ("Standesamtsbezirk Höchst")
Seilerbahn 2, 65929 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 69 212 45570
E-Mail: standesamt.hoechst@stadt-frankfurt.deInternal Link


The Registry Office District Central („Standesamtsbezirk Mitte“) registers the marriages for all other Frankfurt districts:

Registry Office District Central („Standesamtsbezirk Mitte“)
Berliner Straße 33-35, 60311 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 69 212 73501
E-Mail: ehe@stadt-frankfurt.deInternal Link

Residence in Germany (except Frankfurt am Main)

Please contact the Registry Office (“Standesamt”) at your place of residence to register your marriage (application). The Registry Office will also provide you with the necessary documents.

If you would like to get married in one of the Frankfurt wedding venues listed below, please inform your local Registry Office when registering and arrange a date for your marriage with us.


Please contact the Registry Office District Höchst („Standesamtsbezirk Höchst“) for the wedding venue:

  • “Emmerichpavillon” (Bolongaropalast)

Registry Office District Höchst

Seilerbahn 265929 Frankfurt am Main

Tel.: +49 69 212 45570

E-Mail: standesamt.hoechst@stadt-frankfurt.deInternal Link



Please contact the Registry Office District Central („Standesamtsbezirk Mitte“) for the wedding venues:

  • Römer
  • Palmengarten
  • Nikolauskapelle
  • Seckbach town hall ("Seckbacher Rathaus")

Registry Office District Central

Berliner Straße 33-35, 60311 Frankfurt am Main

Tel.: +49 69 212 73501

E-Mail: ehe@stadt-frankfurt.deInternal Link

All topics at a glance

Required documents

For the registration of your marriage, we first need some personal information from you so that we can provide you with the necessary documents.

Please fill in the questionnaire Information on marriageExternal Link (“Auskunft Ehe”) completely.

This will be sent to us electronically via a secure line.

As soon as we have received the questionnaire, we will send you a list of the documents required for registering your marriage within one week.


The fees for the marriage registration are:

  • Basic registration fee: € 47.00
  • Additional fee for each foreign legal system to be observed: € 23.50
  • Marriage: see desired wedding venue
  • Issue of a certificate of no impediment to marriage for marriage abroad: € 47.00
  • Certificate (A4, logbook format or international): € 12.00 each
  • Any other document of the same kind: € 6.00


Other, possibly additional fees/expenses:

  • Taking an affidavit: € 36.00
  • Certification of an interpreter: € 36.00
  • Sending the marriage documents to another Registry Office: € 4.25