Registration and Library Card

Registration and Library Card

Registering and Borrowing

Registration and Library Card

The library card allows you to borrow books from all public libraries and to use the digital library of the Frankfurt Public Library (“Stadtbücherei”).


You can register online at the Frankfurt Public Library and borrow books immediately.
Register online
External Link
Please note: When you register, your data will be checked.

  • For Frankfurt residents, this usually happens within a few minutes and you can borrow immediately.
  • As your details are automatically checked against the register of the Frankfurt Citizens' Office, it is important that you fill in the form correctly.  
  • In the case of library cards for Frankfurt-Pass holders and underage children and young people, the process of additionally viewing the attached documents usually takes 1 working day.

You can now renew your library card online.

Renew onlineExternal Link

  • This service is currently available for standard users.
  • Holders of the Frankfurt-Pass, the Ehrenamtscard, institution, partner or cooperation cards, refugees and asylum seekers can renew their library card directly in our libraries.
  • Readers who have to pay the annual fee for the first time after reaching the age of 18 should renew their library card in our libraries.

Costs and required forms

€ 20 library card for adults

Annual fee for adult borrowing.

  • Please bring along to the registration: Your valid identity card or passport with a certificate of registration (proof of residence).

€ 10 partner card

If your partner already has a card, you can get a partner card. The prerequisite is a shared address.

  • Please bring along to the registration: Your valid identity card or passport with a certificate of registration (proof of residence).

€ 0 Library card for children and young people

Children and young people up to the age of 18.

  • Please bring along to the registration: Children and young people up to the age of 16 need the consent form and signature of a legal representative on the registration form. If you are unable to accompany your child to registration, please give him/her the signed registration form and a copy of your identity card for documentation purposes.
  • Young people over the age of 16: Your valid identity card or passport with a certificate of registration (proof of residence).

€ 0 Institutional card for educators

Employees of cultural, social and educational institutions can obtain a personal institution card and borrow media free of charge that they use in the course of their work.

  • Please bring with you: Your valid identity card or passport with a certificate of registration (proof of residence). The completed registration form (see below) with the stamp of the institution where you work / a certificate from your employer.

 € 0  Internet card

Allows you to use the internet in the library. No borrowing of media.

  • Please bring along to the registration: Your valid identity card or passport with a certificate of registration (proof of residence).

€ 0 other groups of persons

  • Frankfurt-Pass holders, Hessian Volunteer Card holders (“Hessische Ehrenamtscard”), youth leaders, etc. 
    Please bring with you to the registration: Your valid identity card or passport with a certificate of registration (proof of residence), as well as the Frankfurt-Pass/ an identity card or document confirming your voluntary work.
  • Refugees and asylum seekers
    Please bring with you: Residence permit, confirmation of your tolerated status (“Duldung”) or application for residence permit (= transcript of an asylum application) in connection with a certificate of registration (proof of residence).
  • Cooperation card:
    For users of the municipal libraries of Offenbach or Neu-Isenburg with a valid library card. If you have a valid library card from Frankfurt Public Library, you will also be issued a free card at the partner libraries. The validity of the cooperation card is linked to the validity of the main card.
    Please bring with you to the registration: The receipt for the paid annual fee to your main card.

Download form (German only)