Our Catalogue. Your Media Account

Our Catalogue. Your Media Account

Registering and Borrowing

Catalogue and Media Account

Catalogue Search

In the catalogue, you will find the media stock of the Public Library.External Link

Search queries will show you both our physical and our digital media and information. The catalogue shows in which library the medium you are looking for is available. You can order this medium in any library of the Public Library. If the item is not on loan, please contact the library that owns it.

If you are looking for digital media only, you can also log in directly to the corresponding portals (Onleihe, PressReader). The Munzinger is a database with verified information on persons, countries, films and commemorative days. Duden and Brockhaus are online reference works.

To borrow / download media, you need a library card.

Your personal media account

You can access your personal media account via the Log In button in the catalogue.

Your media account gives you an overview of the media you have borrowed and reserved, or open fees.

 You can renew or reserve media via the account.

Please note, however, that you can only digitally pre-order media that are currently on loan. If you would like to reserve a medium that is available in the library, please contact us by telephone. 

In order to use the features of the media account, you need a password, which you will receive from us when you register. Please change the password after logging in.