I.G. Farben Building (Poelzig Building)

I.G. Farben Building (Poelzig Building)

Historical buildings

I.G. Farben Building (Poelzig Building)

Poelzig Bau
Brunnenanlage vor dem IG-Farben-Haus auf dem Campus Westend © Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Photo: Stefan Maurer

The building came into existence in 1931 as the head office of IG Farben. With nine floors and six wings, it was one of the largest and most modern buildings in Europe. In 1945, it became the headquarters of the US armed forces, and since 2001 it has belonged to Goethe University (Westend campus). 

Year of construction: 1928-31

Architect: H. Poelzig

  • administrative building with cafeteria and laboratory wing from 1928-31 
  •  steel construction disguised as travertine on a floor plan shaped like a circular arc
  •  six radially arranged intersecting wings and separate cafeteria building in a circular centre
  •  axial entry hall as well as largely preserved original furnishings, including paternoster lift






Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 1
60323 Frankfurt am Main