Opera Square Festival

Frankfurt’s Old Opera House is dedicated to the “True, Beautiful and Good" (Dem Wahren Schönen Guten), which is also written on its magnificent façade. The Opera Square Festival (Opernplatzfest) also follows this motto, combining culinary and cultural delights in the most exquisite way. In its beginning, it was called the Lucae Fountain Festival (Lucae-Brunnenfest) and centered on the then newly built Lucae Fountain on the square in front of the Old Opera. The Opera Square Festival has since developed into a summer festival with many visitors, its unique flair attracting not only bankers and advertisers.
True to the motto "to see and to be seen", people like to meet under the large white sunshades to enjoy international specialties with a glass of wine or champagne. Numerous gastronomic vendors offer visitors a wide range of specialties, from Spanish tapas to fresh seafood and Japanese sushi. Well-known international artists guarantee an attractive music program with live music on several stages. Particularly appealing is the atmosphere of the Opera Square Festival in the evening, when the façade of the Old Opera and the square around the fountain are festively illuminated.