Right of Free Movement (EU, EFTA, EEA States)

Right of Free Movement (EU, EFTA, EEA States)

Frankfurt Immigration Office

Right of Free Movement (EU, EFTA, EEA States)

Competent Authority

Rebstöcker Straße 4
60326 Frankfurt am Main

***NEU*** Website der Ausländerbehörde

All topics at a glance

Service description

Citizens of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden enjoy freedom of movement.

Since 29.01.2013, the issuance of a certificate of free movement is no longer required. In order to document the special status as an EU national entitled to freedom of movement, it is sufficient to submit a confirmation of registration (proof of residence) and to be in possession of a valid passport or identity card showing the nationality of the EU state. Confirmations of registration (proof of residence) in Frankfurt am Main are issued exclusively by the Citizens’ Office ("Bürgeramt").

EU citizens and EEA nationals still do not require an EU work permit. The requirement for an EU work permit has also been waived for Croatian nationals since 1 July 2015.

The Service Centre for Foreign Nationals' Affairs ("Ausländerangelegenheiten") offers all nationals from EU, EFTA and EEA countries, as well as their family members, the opportunity to settle their foreigners' legal affairs during a visit to the Frankfurt Immigration Office ("Ausländerbehörde"). This includes the issuing of residence cards/EU for third-country national family members and Swiss citizens, as well as the confirmation of permanent residence rights.

If you wish (or need) to go to the Frankfurt Immigration Office, please note that, for administrative reasons, this can only take place 3 days after you have registered at the Citizens’ Office.

Please also note that you must register at the Citizens’ Office within 7 days of entering the country.

Concerning the residence modalities for EU citizens and their family members, please use the contact telephones provided for further information. We kindly ask that you only make calls between 09:30 am and 3 pm, and on Fridays only until 12:00 pm.

Required documents

  • Valid passport or ID card  
  • For family members: Marriage/birth certificate

In individual cases, further documents may be necessary and requested.

What else should I know

Information for EU citizens and EEA state nationals on the amendments to the Freedom of Movement Act/EU

Since 29 January 2013, as a citizen of the Union or a national of an EEA state, you no longer receive a freedom of movement certificate from the Frankfurt Immigration Office ("Ausländerbehörde"). This results from Article 1 No. 5 b) of the Act Amending the Freedom of Movement Act/EU and Other Residence Law Regulations dated 21 January 2013 (Federal Law Gazette p. 86), which abolished the certificate on the right of residence for Union citizens ("Freizügigkeitsbescheinigung" - certificate of free movement).

The certificate of registration (proof of residence) from the Citizens’ Office (Bürgeramt) and a valid identity document now serve as proof that you are staying in the Federal Republic of Germany as a citizen of the Union or a national of an EEA state, and are exercising your right to freedom of movement here.

As an EU citizen, you still do not need an EU work permit. The requirement for an EU work permit has also been waived for Croatian nationals since 1 July 2015.

After acquiring the permanent right of residence in accordance with Section 4a of the Freedom of Movement Act/EU ("Freizügigkeitsgesetz"), you can apply for a corresponding certificate from the Service Centre of the Frankfurt Immigration Office as a citizen of the Union or a national of an EEA state. As a rule, the acquisition of a permanent right of residence requires that you have resided in the Federal Republic of Germany for five years and have fulfilled the requirements for freedom of movement (e.g. as an employee), for which you must provide appropriate proof. You automatically acquire a permanent right of residence after five years of free movement, even if you were not previously in possession of a permanent residence certificate.

Nothing changes for family members of Union citizens or EEA nationals who are not themselves Union citizens or EEA nationals (so-called third-country nationals). It is still possible to obtain a residence card from the Frankfurt Immigration Office, if proof of family status has been provided and the right to freedom of movement of the Union citizen or EEA national with the right of origin has been proven. Family members of Union citizens or EEA nationals who are third-country nationals can apply for the issuance of a permanent residence card at the Service Centre of the Frankfurt Immigration Office, if they have been in possession of a residence card for five years.

This applies to nationals of the EU states Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Cyprus and nationals of the EEA states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.