Information for Ukrainians

Information for Ukrainians

Frankfurt Immigration Office

Information for Ukrainians

Entry modalities for non EU-citizens arriving from Ukraine

Ukrainian Flag
Ukrainian Flag © Stadt Frankfurt am Main

Ukraine Residence Transitional Regulation until 31.08.2022:

Foreigners who were in Ukraine on 24.02.2022 and who entered the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany by 31.08.2022 without possessing the residence title required for long-term residence in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany are exempt from the requirement of a residence title until 31.08.2022.

Ukraine Residence Transitional Regulation from 01.09.2022:

Foreigners who were in Ukraine on 24.02.2022 and who entered the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany from 01.09.2022 to 30.11.2022 without possessing the residence title required for long-term residence in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany are exempt from the requirement of a residence title for a period of 90 days from the date of first entry into the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Eligible persons according to the Decision of the Council of the European Union pursuant to Directive 2001/55/EG of 04.03.2022

a) Ukrainian nationals who were habitually resident in Ukraine before 24.02.2022

b) stateless persons and non EU-citizens other than Ukraine who enjoyed international protection or equivalent national protection in Ukraine before 24.02.2022

c) Stateless persons and non EU-citizens other than Ukraine who can prove that they have resided legally in Ukraine before 24.02.2022 on the basis of a valid permanent residence permit issued in accordance with Ukrainian law

d) Other non EU-citizens other than Ukraine, if they can prove that they were legally resident in Ukraine on 24.02.2022, and not only for a temporary short stay, and that they cannot return safely and permanently to their country or region of origin. This particularly affects persons with the following countries of origin and a temporary Ukrainian residence title: Eritrea, Syria, Afghanistane) Family members of the persons mentioned in letters a) to d) above

f) Ukrainian nationals who are already residing in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany with a residence title, but only under certain circumstances

If you fall under the group of persons who are exempt from the requirement of a residence title as well as under the group of persons entitled to a residence permit, please submit an application for a residence permit pursuant to Section 24 of the German Residence Act in due time within the above-mentioned periods by email to abh-ukraine@stadt-frankfurt.deInternal Link enclosing a copy of your passport and your entry stamp into the Schengen area.

The issuance of a residence permit according to Section 24 of the German Residence Act also gives you the opportunity to take up employment or self-employment.

Further information for certain groups of persons


If you entered Germany with a temporary Ukrainian residence permit without Ukrainian family members, your legal stay in Germany will end on 31.08.2022 or, in the case of entry from 01.09.2022 to 30.11.2022, after 90 days. Until this date, you are obliged to leave Germany and continue your journey to your home country. However, this does not apply to persons from the following countries of origin: Eritrea, Syria, Afghanistan. For the nationals of these 3 countries, further residence is also possible with a temporary Ukrainian residence permit, an application for a residence permit according to Section 24 of the German Residence Act can be made accordingly.


If you come from a non-safe country of origin (with the exception of Eritrea, Syria and Afghanistan), you must first go to the Hessian Initial Reception Centre in Gießen.


Hessische Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung Gießen

(Federal Office for Migration and Refugees)

Rödgener Str. 61, 35394 Gießen, Tel.: 0641-3030


Reasons can be given there why it is not possible for you to travel on to your home country.


Should you cover your living expenses, including health insurance and housing, from your own resources, you can apply for a residence permit for a specific purpose in Germany until 31.08.2022 or, in the case of entry from 01.09.2022 to 30.11.2022, within 90 days. However, you must fulfil all the special conditions for the granting of this residence permit. For this purpose, you will always need proof that you can secure your livelihood (food and drink, housing, health insurance) as well as your valid passport with Ukrainian residence title.


Depending on the purpose of your stay, you may also need to provide proof of German language skills, a job offer or job approval, or a promise of a place at university.


For further information: Ukraine - Infos des AmkAExternal Link and Ukraine - Frankfurt hilft!External Link