Integration Courses

Integration Courses

Frankfurt Immigration Office

Integration Courses

Competent Authority

Rebstöcker Straße 4
60326 Frankfurt am Main

***NEU*** Website der Ausländerbehörde

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Service description

According to the Residence Act, every foreigner is entitled to attend an integration course once. This consists of a language course and an orientation course. 

The aim of the language course is to have sufficient knowledge of the German language to be able to independently find one's way in the German environment in daily life.

In addition to common knowledge, the orientation course is intended to teach knowledge of the legal system, culture and history in Germany.

Sufficient knowledge of the German language as well as basic knowledge of the legal and social order and living conditions in Germany are, among other things, prerequisites for the granting of a settlement permit. 

If you successfully complete the course, the minimum period for naturalisation is reduced from eight to seven years.

For further information, please refer to the fact sheetExternal Link of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

Of course, if you have any questions, you can also contact your competent foreigners authority.