The Children’s Commisioners of the City of Frankfurt
Listen and act: Your representatives in Frankfurt
The Children’s Commissioners of the City of Frankfurt ("Kinderbeauftrage der Stadt Frankfurt") work on a voluntary basis in the interests of children in Frankfurt’s districts.

Children have rights – that is what the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states. But what good are rights on paper if children don’t know them or can’t enforce them on their own?
The tasks and rights of the Children's Commissioners are laid down in an official directive. First and foremost, they are to make children’s rights known and implement them. It is up to the Children's Commissioners to decide how they do this in practice. While some visit nursery schools, after-school care centres and schools, others seek contact during playground inspections or set up an information stand at district festivals. Elsewhere, the Children's Commissioners organise children’s consultation hours or hearings or set up a children’s parliament.
The Children's Commissioners also raise awareness of children's rights in the other direction, namely in politics and administration: for example, they participate in district working groups, maintain relations with the Municipal Education Authority and the Parks Department (“Stadtschul- und Grünflächenamt”), as well as with network organisations, people and parties. A good network is very useful for this work – establishing it is often an achievement in itself of which Children's Commissioners can be proud of.
Children and young people can contact the Children's Commissioner for their district if they have questions, wishes or suggestions about life in Frankfurt. The homepage of the Children's Commissioners External Link(German only) shows who is responsible for which district. There you will also find information on how to contact the Children's Commissioners.
The Office of the Children's Commissioners is located at the Children’s Office (“Kinderbüro”).