Frankfurt's Unique Christmas Tradition
The figures made of prunes and nuts are popular souvenirs from the Frankfurt Christmas Market and enjoy a long tradition as gifts of love and good luck.

The traditional “Quetschemännche”, or plum men, are as much a part of the Frankfurt Christmas market as gingerbread and “Bethmännchen”. The body of these twenty centimetres high figures are made from dried plums, while the head of each figure is made from a walnut. The figures often wear clothes and headdresses and are commonly dressed as chimney sweeps. Therefore, the Quetschemännche are also often used as lucky charms today.
Nowadays, in the course of equal rights, you can also buy “Quetscheweibche” (plum women) at the Christmas market stalls. Originally, in 19th century Frankfurt, the Quetschemännche served as messengers of love. Back then, young men would send their sweethearts one of these little men. If she kept it, the young man could hope that his feelings would be reciprocated, but if she sent the little man back, the admirer was unfortunately rebuffed.