Visually Impaired or Blind People

Visually Impaired or Blind People

Central Library

Visually Impaired or Blind People

Offers of the Central Library

In the Central Library there are workplaces for visually impaired and blind visitors, photo: Benjamin Esche
In the Central Library there are workplaces for visually impaired and blind visitors. © Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Photo: Benjamin Esche

Workplaces for the blind

Reading Braille:

  • One workstation offers a text scanner that reads out machine-generated documents or converts them into Braille.
  • The second computer allows searching the internet.
  • Both have keyboards with engraved characters and an 80-form Braille display.
  • The speech output of the text and screen contents is done via the software Jaws.
  • The devices are located on the ground floor and are available during library opening hours without prior appointment.

Note: Use of the Internet PC requires a library card. Library cards that only authorise internet research are issued free of charge.

Workplaces for visually disabled persons

For visually impaired users, the Central Library provides workstations that allow enlarged text display on the screen.

Audio library of the blista

With the on-site audio library ("Hörbücherei vor Ort"), the German Institute for the Blind (blista) provides barrier-free access, close to home, to a media offering of around 45,000 uncut, user-friendly audio books.

The staff of the Central Library of the Frankfurt Public Library provide information about the blista's services and help with registration.

Borrowing from blista is free of charge and independent of membership in the public library.

Proof of visual impairment is required for registration. This can be presented in the form of a severely disabled person's ID card or a medical certificate.



Miriam Schreiber

Phone: +49 (0)69 212 49633

E-Mail: miriam.schreiber@stadt-frankfurt.deInternal Link