Library Tours for German Learners

Library Tours for German Learners

International Public Library

Library Tours for German Learners

Welcome to our libraries!

Welcome! | Public Library, photo: Benjamin Esche
Welcome! | Public Library © Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Photo: Benjamin Esche

Where do library tours for German learners take place?

Central Library with Music Library fuehrungen.zentralbibliothek@stadtbuecherei.frankfurt.deInternal Link

Library Centre Bergen-Enkheim moreInternal Link

District Library Bornheim moreInternal Link

District Library Gallus moreInternal Link

Library Centre Höchst moreInternal Link

Library Centre Nordweststadt moreInternal Link

Library Centre Sachsenhausen moreInternal Link

What information will you receive on the tour?

How do I get a library card?

How do I borrow books?

Where and how can I study in the library?

How can I use the catalogue?

The library tour can be conducted in simple language on request.

How do you register for a library visit?

Please contact us and let us know in advance:

How many people will be attending?

If you wish, we can deepen your research in the catalogue or introduce you to the digital service "Pressreader" – please choose!

From which institution are you coming?

Are there any participants who would like to receive a pass after the tour?


Contact the library of your choice. The contact person of the respective library will get in touch with you.