Advertising in Frankfurt

Be it an international corporation, a local service provider, or a not-for-profit entity, there are numerous reasons for, and indeed ways of advertising. Alongside advertising in print and digital products, the spectrum extends from advertising signs on places of business, advertising campaigns in advertising media, to posters on public district billboards. We would like to take this opportunity to give you a short overview of the opportunities available in Frankfurt and to introduce you to the respective focal point responsible.
Advertising campaigns in the public domain
Companies regularly express an interest in using advertising campaigns to make themselves or a particular product better known. In a pan-European concession process, the City of Frankfurt assigned the rights to erect and market professional advertising media on land it owns in the city to the company Deutsche Städte Medien GmbH. The latter is entitled to erect and market mega-lights, city light columns, illuminated billboards, large surface areas, advertising pillars, advertising clocks, company signs, as well as A1-size frames on electrical switching and distribution cabinets. Interested in more details? If so, please contact Deutsche Städte Medien GmbHExternal Link directly.
Advertising at commercial facilities
We are all familiar with this form of advertising: a company’s sign on its building or at the entrance. This is what is known as advertising at the commercial facility, which is intended to draw attention to the company, the service provider, or the restaurant in question, for example.
As a rule, this type of advertising sign needs building permission. In this context please contact the Construction Supervisory OfficeExternal Link ("Bauaufsicht") directly.
Posters on District Billboards
Associations and political institutions can advertise an event temporarily. A special permit is required to use this type of billboarding. You will find information on the City Road Construction and Development Department'sInternal Link ("Amt für Straßenbau und Erschließung") website (German only).
Activities by business neighbours & customer stoppers
Would you like to make passers-by aware of what your company has to offer? Here too, the staff members at the Road Construction and Development DepartmentInternal Link will be happy to assist you.
Promotional activities in public areas
Should you be interested in an advertising event in public areas of the City of Frankfurt, there are selected locations available. For more information and detailed questions, please visit the website of the Public Order OfficeInternal Link (German only) or contact the staff of the Public Order Office's service centre.
The distribution of flyers in shops and cafés does not require official approval, you just need the respective manager’s permission. The distribution of commercial flyers in the public domain by service providers or for special offers is not permitted in Frankfurt; violations will be punished by fines.
Special offer for non-profit organisation
In the context of negotiating the franchise during the tendering process, the City of Frankfurt has ensured that as of January 1, 2018, special concessions apply for non-profit associations in Frankfurt. Your focal point in this context is the City’s Advertising Rights Desk (“Stabstelle Werberechte”); you will find further information about the opportunities available and the conditions hereExternal Link.
What is not allowed?
As at Jan. 1, 2018, the City of Frankfurt reassigned its rights to establish and market professional advertising media in areas belonging to the city as part of a pan-European concession process. As part of the reassignment of the rights, the City of Frankfurt specified conceptually which advertising types would in future still be admissible within the public realm. Not permissible, for example, are the mobile distribution of leaflets, the commercial dissemination of product samples, mobile fundraising, ad stele, commercial signage on masts (lampposts), beach flags and posters on crowd barriers, digital advertising, advertising using cycle trailers, advertising trailers, advertising car trips, outsize posters, mega-posters and comparable types of advertising. Advertising in the public realm is only permissible subject to special usage authorisation have been issued. The City of Frankfurt/Main will sanction any violations of the conditions set for impermissible advertising by imposing corresponding fines.
If you have any further questions do not hesitate to get in touch with the relevant focal points at the public agencies mentioned above.