
The Municipal Administration ("Magistrat") is the "government" of the City of Frankfurt am Main and it is chaired by the Lord Mayor.
As the administrative and "executive body", the Municipal Administration decides on current administrative matters, prepares resolutions of the City Council (“Stadtverordnetenversammlung”) and implements them. In fulfilling these tasks, the Municipal Administration is supported by the City Administration, which reports to it with its offices and operations.
With the exception of the Lord Mayor, the Municipal Administration is elected by the City Council. It currently consists of the Lord Mayor, the Mayor and the City Treasurer and 9 other full-time and 14 honorary city councillors. Full-time members of the Municipal Administration are elected for six years; honorary members are elected for the current term of office of the City Council. Members of the Municipal Administration can never be city councillors at the same time and vice versa. The full-time members of the Municipal Administration are responsible for their own area of responsibility, the “department” (“Dezernat"), with corresponding offices assigned to each department.
As a collegial body, the Municipal Administration passes resolutions by majority vote. Its meetings are not open to the public.
The Municipal Administration attends the meetings of the City Council. In the meetings of the committees, the responsible department heads usually represent the Municipal Administration. In these committees, the members of the Municipal Administration always have the right to speak, but may not participate in voting.