The KUFTI Culture and Leisure Ticket Reaches over 20,000 Children and Young People

After running for about two and a half years, the Culture and Leisure Ticket (KUFTI) has been applied for over 20,000 times.
The offer by the City of Frankfurt allows children and young people up to their 18th birthday free admission to many of Frankfurt's museums and the Frankfurt Zoo, provided the family's net household income is less than 4500 euros. All other families can order the ticket for 29 euros per year. Of the 20,000 tickets, around 19,000 were applied for free of charge and 1000 were ordered for a fee.
Easily accessible educational offers by the museums are intended to spark the interest in museums. In connection with the KUFTI, for example, series of events such as "Das Reisende Museum" (The Travelling Museum) have been created in cooperation with the Frankfurt City Library. Six Frankfurt museums offer workshops for events in district libraries such as Griesheim, Sossenheim or Sindlingen.
The KUFTI was introduced in the summer of 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic and the lockdowns and restrictions that followed.
With the KUFTI you can visit the following institutions free of charge:
Archaeological Museum, Experience Museum of the Bible House, Caricatura Museum, Bildungsstätte Anne Frank, German Museum of Architecture, DFF – German Film Museum, Deutsches Romantik-Museum, Dommuseum, Eintracht Frankfurt Museum, Ernst-May-Gesellschaft / Ernst-May-Haus, Feuerwehr Museum, Goethe-Museum, Hindemith Kabinett, Historical Museum Frankfurt, Icon Museum, Institute for the History of Frankfurt, Jewish Museum, Junges Museum, MOMEM Museum of Modern Electronic Music, Museum MMK für Moderne Kunst with Museum MMK, Tower MMK and Zollamt MMK, Frankfurt Art Association, Fotografie Forum, Museum of Applied Art, Museum Judengasse, Museum for Communication, Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung, Porcelain Museum, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Senckenberg Museum of Natural History, Städel Museum, Struwwelpeter Museum, Weltkulturen Museum and the Frankfurt Zoo.
For more information please visit the KUFTI External Linkwebsite.