Frankfurt is Prepared

Frankfurt is Prepared

Editor's Pick

Frankfurt is Prepared

Frankfurt skyline before and during Earth Hour 2022 Foto: Salome Roessler / lensandlight
Frankfurt skyline before and during Earth Hour 2022 © SALOME ROESSLER LENS&LIGHT, Photo: SALOME ROESSLER

We have always been able to rely on a secure supply of natural gas and electricity in Frankfurt am Main. After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, however, many questions arise. Will the gas supplies be enough to survive even a cold winter? Could there also be power cuts in Germany?


The answer to these energy questions is: solidarity and precaution. 


If we all save 20 percent energy, in heating and electricity, we will get through the winter more safely. If we prepare well and help each other, we can also bridge a few hours or days without electricity in an emergency.

On the website of MainovaExternal Link you will find helpful links on saving energy, the current supply situation and preparing for a power cut. 


The Corona crisis has shown that Frankfurt sticks together. Only together can we master the serious consequences of a possible power blackout. Please take care of yourself and remember to help each other in a crisis!
