The KAV as Political Caucus

The KAV as Political Caucus

KAV Administration Office

The KAV as Political Caucus

The KAV is organized similarly as the City Council: A Steering Committee is the executive head of the General Assembly ("Plenum").

The General Assembly

The General Assembly is the highest office of the KAV. It consists of 37 elected representatives of the foreign population for the city of Frankfurt am Main. The elections are held every 5 years. The decisions and resolutions of the General Assembly are binding for all committees within the KAV. The KAV Plenum normally meets once monthly. In these sessions, the resolutions and inquiries of the membership to the Magistrate are debated and approved. All other activities of the KAV are also handled.

The Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is composed of the Chairperson and equally authorized Deputies. The Chairperson has the responsibility to summon the General Assembly, to establish the agenda for the Plenum and to receive resolutions that are then presented to the General Assembly. The Chairperson also chairs all General Assembly as well as Steering Committee sessions.

Committees, District, Councils and Commissions

The KAV appoints members who participate in the sessions of the City Council and their Committees, as well as District Councils and Magistrate Commissions. These KAV members are obligated to bring forward the concerns and issues of the KAV within these organizations.
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